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Isabelle Renier

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Testimonies of clients

who have used the Trager method

The aim of the Trager practitioner is not only to move some

muscles or some joints, but to use movements to produce

particular sensitive effects, pleasant and positive, that will be

perceived by the central nervous system. This perception, through

the various means of communication between the subconscious and

the muscles, gradually establishes changes in the tissues”.

Trager France

Testimony of Eric ( Practitioner of the Trager method)

“90% of our body is composed of liquid, and the goal of Trager is to

play with the amplitude of this liquid, moving it by little waves. For

example, if the nape of your neck hurts, it is possible to make

impulsions from the leg to reach the neck without having to be in

contact with the painful zone.”

Testimony of Mathieu

“There is a reconnection between listening to oneself and how to

find the solution which is in us.”

“It happens naturally because, through her touch, she manages to

make us intelligent.”

“I don’t have the feeling of having lost the benefit of the work I did

years ago.”

Testimony of Jacques (Energy practitioner, Professional photographer)

“Trager is a method of corporal recovery. It doesn’t go through the

mind. At the end of the session, we are listening to our body. From

control, we move to listening.”


 Testimony of Aurelien

(Head of Water Energy Solutions, Chili

Testimony of Bernard (Teacher of Tai-Chi)

“During the session, we enter into a state of very deep relaxation

and well-being.

“It teaches how to feel our resistances, because, basically, tensions

are just like a shell which prevents us to be ourselves. Trager

enables to find ourselves again.”

Testimony of Leo (Student)

“I have a feeling of well-being, of relaxation and a link between my

body and my spirit. I stand straighter without any effort, it is more


“I think everyone should experience Trager.”

Testimony of Francis (Sophrologist)

“I experienced sensations I had never experienced before. It’s

marvelous to be surprised.

“I became aware of myself. From relaxation, I was revitalised with

new energy.”

Testimony of Virginie (Medical secretary) aria medica)

“I had pains in my feet, and Isabelle made exactly the gestures I

needed to release me from this pain.”

“It is a good method that teaches you to relax deeply.”




 Testimony of Thierry (Director of TF Gospel Singers)

“I feel my skin again, after my Trager session, and I am standing


“I have the feeling of possessing my body again, to be once again in

contact with it. It’s an extraordinary feeling of freedom and


Testimony of Guy (Kinestherapist, Osteopath)

The goal isthat there be a mean- or long-term benefit.”


"...i feel like Trager is exceptionally beneficial for people who work with

'energy' already, especially if their work involves other people..."



Feedback on a wonderful time




Feedback on a wonderful moment:  cliquer


A great thank you: cliquer


To touch.. to feel.. to speak directly to the body: cliquer


Regenerated : cliquer

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